
This page provides helpful contacts and resources for questions regarding the WTW design system.

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Our most important brand asset, our logo, embodies the unique, unified perspective we provide clients, revealing the hidden connections that identify untapped value in our clients’ organizations. It appears on every communications piece we create and, therefore, it’s essential that it’s displayed correctly and consistently in accordance with these visual identity standards and software brand standards.

To request the WTW logo, please visit Brand Central. You are responsible for ensuring that the WTW logo is properly used according to brand specifications. Reach out to the Help Desk on Brand Central if you have a query about or need approval for using the logo.


Primary Digital Design System Fonts

Font files and Webfonts

  • Desktop fonts – there are a limited license for desktop fonts for use by UX/UI designers who are colleagues at WTW working on Primary Digital Design System assets. Submit a Brand Central Help Desk ticket to request access to the desktop font package. These fonts must not be distributed among teams. Distribution must come directly from the Brand team. If you have errantly received thedesktop font package without a specific Brand Central query, please advise the Help Desk.
  • Webfonts– Our webfonts are licensed per application usage. We have obtained a license for use within our marketing-related (e.g. Primary Digital Design System) applications. Reach out to Brand Central Help Desk to determine if your application can receive the webfonts package.

Lyon (Serif)

Lyon is our serif font and is used in specific places - it is not used for body copy, links, etc. For overall usage, see Brand Central.

We use Lyon in our Primary Digital Design System in select areas as headlines and page headers.

The free webfont backup for Lyon is Playfair Display (Google Fonts | Github Source). It is recommended to use the source files as Google does not maintain support for the webfont.

Graphik (sans-serif)

Graphik is our sans-serif font and is the most dominant font in the Primary Digital Design System.

The free webfont backup for Graphik is Inter (Google Fonts | Github Source). It is recommended to use the source files as Google does not maintain support for the webfont.


Brand Central is your first stop for imagery; most of your questions will be answered there. If you are looking for existing image assets within our photographic or icon library, you can request via the Help Desk.

If you need approval for an image you have created, please submit your query to the Brand Central Help Desk.