We use people quotes and content quotes.

Only use people quotes when quoting a person.

Use content quotes when quoting content on the page.

The content displayed in these quotes must already be on the page.

alt text

content quote

<aside class="quote-content">
    <p class="heading-6">We have successfully balanced technology and innovation with a reliable and robust approach to assessment, giving us a stronger and more diverse talent pool.</p>

No content for this section.

No content for this section.

Key specs

  • Main column – 1-2 sentences or 25 words
  • Left/right columns – 1 sentence or 15 words
  • No hyperlinks, no quotation marks
  • Use sparingly to reinforce content within the body

Use this version when reiterating content that is already within the body text. If the quote is spoken by a person, use the People Quote. If you are looking for a way to distinguish content (e.g. a fact box) but the other related modules do not work, please use the Fact Box – the grey background offers the differentiation you are looking for but fits in with our design standards.

Here’s an example of a content callout that looks nice. Note that the placement is between paragraphs of text (the text is for placement only) and the quote is succinct.

alt text

Do not link headers in content quotes, and use left-peeking when possible on insights pages. The example below also shows an outlier where there is a link (or different text styling) within the content quote callout – something needed to be cited. In the example below, although this is a person’s quote, there is not the ability to link to anything within the people quote. Generally, if citing a person, use the people quote.

alt text

On insights pages, use the main column (instead of left-peeking) for the content callout when the length of the callout exceeds 140 characters. This helps break up content in a better way.

Do not place too many content callout quotes near each other as it dilutes the power of the callout (and dilutes its “intrigue” for the user).

alt text

Do not put the callout at the beginning of a header section. The best place for a content callout is at the beginning/in the middle of a paragraph when a header is not introducing a section. As you can see from the below examples, callouts used in certain places make the text illegible and difficult to process.

alt text

alt text

Do not use quotation marks in a content callout.

alt text