video content

<section class="mb-5 featured-content featured-content--article featured-content-video">
     <div class="container">
         <div class="featured-content-item">
             <div class="d-block">
                 <div class="row">
                     <div class="col-12 col-md-7 col-xl-6 offset-xl-1">
                         <div class="featured-content-item__image-container">
                             <div class="featured-content-item__animation-container">
                                 <div class="card inline-media sr-reveal inline-media--video inline-media--video-small">
                                     <div class="inline-media__video-container sr-reveal-video">
                                         <img src="/-/media/Feature/video-curtain.ashx" alt="" role="presentation" class="d-none d-lg-block inline-media__video-curtain">
                                         <div style="position: relative; display: block; max-width: 100%;">
                                             <div style="padding-top: 56.25%;">
                                                 <video data-account="5728959027001" data-video-id="6310340380112" data-player="HJUdFfTmQ" data-embed="default" data-application-id class="video-js" controls style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%;"></video>

                     <div class="col-12 col-md-5 col-xl-4">
                         <a href="#" data-eventaction="Featured Content Card Clicked" data-eventcategory="Navigation - Content Card (full width image)" data-eventlabel="Category: Featured video | Title: Why WTW">
                             <div class="featured-content-item__eyebrow font-mono-small font-weight-semibold mb-2">
                                 Featured Article
                             <h3 class="featured-content-item__title">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</h3>
                             <span class="arrow-link p-0 py-md-4">
                                 Read the Article
                                 <span class="material-symbols-outlined">arrow_right_alt</span>


 <script src=""></script>

Try not to use multiple videos on a page. Focus on one video per page.

Consider a playlist if you have multiple videos.

  • Videos must satisfy WCAG 2.1 AA criteria
  • The color palette has been validated for WCAG 2.1 compliance
  • Videos require transcripts to be compliant; this is the responsibility of the content owner
  • Transcripts must be contextually connected to the video player.

Use the Sitecore Video component.