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                <h1 class="heading-1">FINEX Focus</h1>
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                    July 7, 2022
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                    An informative podcast series on the global risk management and insurance trends and issues surrounding financial, executive and professional risks.</div>
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                <p>This dynamic podcast series captures conversations from around the globe with a wide array of experts who will discuss trends and issues surrounding financial, executive and professional risks. The discussions and perspectives can help risk managers and executives keep their FINEX risks in focus. </p>
                <p class="mb-2"><strong>Included in this series:</strong></p>
                    <li><a href="#episode4">Episode 4: Ransomware</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#episode3">Episode 3: SPAC market trends</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#episode2">Episode 2: Wondering what all the fuss about SPACs is?</a></li>
                    <li><a href="#episode1">Episode 1: Accellion cyber incident</a></li>

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                        <h4>Listen and subscribe to our Cure for the Common Co. series:</h4>
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                <h2><span class="heading-5 d-block">Episode 4: </span>Ransomware</h2><br>

                <p>In this episode, Jason Krauss, North American Cyber Thought and Product Leader at WTW and Andrew Hill, Cyber Coverage Specialist at WTW, share their perspective on ransomware and the impacts of these attacks on the cyberinsurance markets.</p>

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                        Episode 4: Ransomware

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                    <h5 class="d-block d-sm-inline-block mr-2">Listen to this episode on:</h5>
                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ransomware/id1579321853?i=1000551399299" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 4: Ransomware on Apple">Apple</a>

                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93dHctZmluZXhmb2N1cy5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw/episode/NWQyMDU5MDgtZmU5ZC00OTgxLTkwOGEtYWMyNTJmZGI1Y2U5?sa=X&amp;ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjIt-zL4ZD2AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 4: Ransomware on Google Play">Google Play</a>

                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/3GVFHgAFIzCYZXzLpYCuqq" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 4: Ransomware">Spotify</a>

                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.stitcher.com/show/finex-focus/episode/episode-4-ransomware-90449833" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 4: Ransomware on Stitcher">Stitcher</a>
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                <div id="episode3"></div>
                <h2><span class="heading-5 d-block">Episode 3: </span>SPAC market trends</h2><br>

                <p>In our continuing series on SPACs, don’t miss the latest on SPAC D&amp;O market trends as our experts, Nirali Shah and Jon Vokking, weigh in on this ever-evolving area of insurance.</p>

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                        Episode 3: SPAC market trends

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                    <h5 class="d-block d-sm-inline-block mr-2">Listen to this episode on:</h5>
                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spac-market-trends/id1579321853?i=1000530750230" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 3: SPAC market trends on Apple">Apple</a>

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                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/53mJo9aVoCfsObSXqBUvaw" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 3: SPAC market trends on Spotify">Spotify</a>

                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.stitcher.com/show/finex-focus/episode/episode-3-spac-market-trends-85829279" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 3: SPAC market trends on Stitcher">Stitcher</a>
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                <h2><span class="heading-5 d-block">Episode 2: </span>Wondering what all the fuss about SPACs is?</h2><br>

                <p>In this episode (which begins our series on SPACs), listen to Nirali Shah and Jon Vokking to find out what a SPAC is, how they’re typically structured, and the litigation trends they’re facing.</p>

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                        Episode 2: Wondering what all the fuss about SPACs is?

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                    <h5 class="d-block d-sm-inline-block mr-2">Listen to this episode on:</h5>
                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/wondering-what-all-the-fuss-about-spacs-is/id1579321853?i=1000530750129" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 2: Wondering what all the fuss about SPACs is? on Apple">Apple</a>

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                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/0viVoWH8Nkk1ZqPY9M68eR" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 2: Wondering what all the fuss about SPACs is? on Spotify">Spotify</a>

                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.stitcher.com/show/finex-focus/episode/episode-2-wondering-what-all-the-fuss-about-spacs-is-85829280" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 2: Wondering what all the fuss about SPACs is? on Stitcher">Stitcher</a>

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                <h2><span class="heading-5 d-block">Episode 1: </span>Accellion cyber incident</h2><br>

                <p>In the first episode of this new podcast series, we focus on the recent Accellion cyber incident. Our speakers Claire Nightingale and Dan Twersky will share their perspectives on the incident, discuss what organizations may be at risk and provide practical suggestions on how to respond.</p>

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                        Episode 1: Accellion cyber incident

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                    <h5 class="d-block d-sm-inline-block mr-2">Listen to this episode on:</h5>
                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/accellion-cyber-incident/id1579321853?i=1000530750180" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 1: Accellion cyber incident on Apple">Apple</a>

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                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://open.spotify.com/episode/2VpS27eLqKYnu1l0EFHr1h" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 1: Accellion cyber incident on Spotify">Spotify</a>

                    <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://www.stitcher.com/show/finex-focus/episode/episode-1-accellion-cyber-incident-85829281" target="_blank" class="heading-5 d-inline-block mr-3" aria-label="Link, listen to Episode 1: Accellion cyber incident on Stitcher">Stitcher</a>

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                <p class="font-p-disclaimer">The information given in this podcast is believed to be accurate at the date of publication shown at the top of this document. This information may have subsequently changed or have been superseded and should not be relied upon to be accurate or suitable after this date.</p>

                <p class="font-p-disclaimer">This podcast offers a general overview of its subject matter. It does not necessarily address every aspect of its subject or every product available in the market and we disclaimer all liability to the fullest extent permitted by law. It is not intended to be, and should not be, used to replace specific advice relating to individual situations and we do not offer, and this should not be seen as, legal, accounting or tax advice. If you intend to take any action or make any decision on the basis of the content of this podcast you should first seek specific advice from an appropriate professional. Some of the information in this podcast may be compiled from third party sources we consider to be reliable, however we do not guarantee and are not responsible for the accuracy of such. The views expressed are not necessarily those of Willis Towers Watson. Copyright Willis Towers Watson 2021. All rights reserved. </p>
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                                Brian Weiss

                            <div class="font-p-small">Head of Thought &amp; Product Leadership<br>
                                Head of the Claims &amp; Legal Group<br>
                                FINEX North America</div>
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                                    Claire Nightingale

                            <div class="font-p-small">Global Head of FINEX Financial Institutions Claims Advocacy &amp; TPL</div>
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                                <a href="mailto:claire.nightingale@wtwco.com" class="font-weight-bold" aria-label="Click to email Claire Nightingale">
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A podcast series page can list two or more podcast episodes, grouped in a series/show with a common theme.

When delivering a podcast, think of your users. How do users usually listen to podcasts? Via an app, on their phone. In this recently-published infographic, consider that users listen to podcasts almost equally on iOS vs. Google products. Therefore, your podcast series should exist both on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts. Additionally, as an option, Stitcher has been gaining traction.

Follow accessibility documentation on Podcasts.

A podcast series page should:

  • Promote the branding of the series, if applicable. If you have album art that has been custom-created for your podcast series, use it in the hero image! It will reinforce the strength of the WTW brand.
  • Provide an overview of the series – consider the following:
  • Why should the user care?
  • What’s the series about?
  • What episodes are a part of the series?
  • Provide detail on each episode within the series – what makes this episode unique?
  • Provide ways for the user to consume your podcast – very few people will listen directly on our web page via mobile phone. They will most likely only listen to the podcast on the page itself if they are viewing the page from a desktop. If they do navigate to this page via desktop, they can download it (for future listening).

Standard Components for a Podcast Series Page:

  • Introduce the series w/ body text component
  • Provide anchor links to the different episodes with the body text component
  • Prove the ability for someone to subscribe to the series directly via the Podcast Series CTA module
  • Provide sections about each episode (see suggested construction options below)
  • Provide the ability for someone to listen directly to the episode on an app that we support via the Podcast Episode CTA module

Optional Components:

  • Hero image – use the podcast series image in 16:10 format. If unavailable, do not use a hero image.
  • Related modules (in any right or left column or at bottom of page) – depends on the content you may have. Do not overload the page with related content.
  • People/Authors/Bios – to pique interest in podcast speaker(s); use the HTML snippet (instead of the Sitecore component)

Sample design of a podcast series: (View live example)

Sample Design

Content Editor Specs