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                                            <li>Unordered List style 2 lines sample lorem ipsum dolor um sit amet um dolor um lorem ipsum</li>
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                                            <li>Unordered List style 1 line sample</li>
                                    <li>Unordered List style 1 line sample</li>
                            <li>Unordered List style 1 line sample</li>

                        <h4 class="mt-5">Ordered list example below:</h4>

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                                    <li>Unordered List style 1 line sample<ol class="ordered-list">
                                            <li>Unordered List style 2 lines sample lorem ipsum dolor um sit amet um dolor um lorem ipsum</li>
                                            <li>Unordered List style 1 line sample</li>
                                            <li>Unordered List style 1 line sample</li>
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                                <p class="mb-0 pb-0 mt-3">Here's paragraph content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. And here's <a href="#">a link</a> and more content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Here's paragraph content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. And here's <a href="#">a link</a> and more content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. <b>Also, image is aligned-top for different display if needed.</b></p>
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                        <p>At the board level, cyber presents a dilemma. It&#x2019;s both critical enough to demand the attention of the board as a whole and specialised enough to require expertise that generalists don&#x2019;t have. This problem isn&#x2019;t unique to cyber: delegating specific types of risk to subcommittees could lead to mirroring silos at the board level, countering the board&#x2019;s need to keep its focus on risks that affect the entire enterprise.</p>
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                                    <div class="heading-5 mt-2">Left peeking fact box</div>
                                    <p class="mb-0 pb-0 mt-xs-2">Here's paragraph content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. And here's <a href="#">a link</a> and more content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>
                        <p>This dilemma is reflected in the survey results. Executives were asked two questions: who at the board level oversees cyber and who should oversee it? A growing proportion of companies believe in one of two things: that cyber should be overseen by the board or by a cyber-committee. A shrinking or stable proportion says it should be the responsibility of audit, risk or some other subgroup. North American and UK firms were attacked far more than those in other regions. More North American firms characterised the damage from their attacks as serious and more expected another attack in the near future. And far more North American firms also expressed confidence in their capabilities to repair the damage and proceed with business as usual.</p>
                        <aside class="bg-grey d-flex flex-row flex-wrap flex-sm-nowrap mb-3 p-4 align-items-center">
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                                <div class="heading-5 mt-2">Fact Box main column</div>
                                <p class="mb-0 pb-0 mt-xs-2">Here's paragraph content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. And here's <a href="#">a link</a> and more content that you can lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>

                        <p>At the board level, cyber presents a dilemma. It&#x2019;s both critical enough to demand the attention of the board as a whole and specialised enough to require expertise that generalists don&#x2019;t have. This problem isn&#x2019;t unique to cyber: delegating specific types of risk to subcommittees could lead to mirroring silos at the board level, countering the board&#x2019;s need to keep its focus on risks that affect the entire enterprise.</p>
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                                <p class="heading-5 mb-3">Left-Peeking Content Quote - Actuaries now spend almost all their time on value-add activities rather than production with automated governance and audit trails</p>

                        <p>This dilemma is reflected in the survey results. Executives were asked two questions: who at the board level oversees cyber and who should oversee it? A growing proportion of companies believe in one of two things: that cyber should be overseen by the board or by a cyber-committee. A shrinking or stable proportion says it should be the responsibility of audit, risk or some other subgroup. North American and UK firms were attacked far more than those in other regions. More North American firms characterised the damage from their attacks as serious and more expected another attack in the near future. And far more North American firms also expressed confidence in their capabilities to repair the damage and proceed with business as usual.</p>

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                                        <p>This dilemma is reflected in the survey results. Executives were asked two questions: who at the board level oversees cyber and who should oversee it? And far more North American firms also expressed confidence in their capabilities to repair the damage and proceed with business as usual.</p>
                                            <li>Item 1</li>
                                            <li>Item 2</li>
                                            <li>Item 3</li>

                                        <p>This dilemma is reflected in the survey results. Executives were asked two questions: who at the board level oversees cyber and who should oversee it? And far more North American firms also expressed confidence in their capabilities to repair the damage and proceed with business as usual.</p>



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                        <p>This dilemma is reflected in the survey results. Executives were asked two questions: who at the board level oversees cyber and who should oversee it? A growing proportion of companies believe in one of two things: that cyber should be overseen by the board or by a cyber-committee. A shrinking or stable proportion says it should be the responsibility of audit, risk or some other subgroup. North American and UK firms were attacked far more than those in other regions. More North American firms characterised the damage from their attacks as serious and more expected another attack in the near future. And far more North American firms also expressed confidence in their capabilities to repair the damage and proceed with business as usual.</p>

                        <p>At the board level, cyber presents a dilemma. It&#x2019;s both critical enough to demand the attention of the board as a whole and specialised enough to require expertise that generalists don&#x2019;t have. This problem isn&#x2019;t unique to cyber: delegating specific types of risk to subcommittees could lead to mirroring silos at the board level, countering the board&#x2019;s need to keep its focus on risks that affect the entire enterprise.</p>
                        <div class="float-xl-left left-peeking">
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                                <p class="heading-4">Left peeking quote - It’s helpful for the CISO to work with a smaller group that becomes more deeply informed.”</p>
                                <cite class="font-mono-small font-weight-semibold">Kevin Tran
                                    <br>Global Resource Manager
                                <span class="quote__block"></span>

                        <p>This dilemma is reflected in the survey results. Executives were asked two questions: who at the board level oversees cyber and who should oversee it? A growing proportion of companies believe in one of two things: that cyber should be overseen by the board or by a cyber-committee. A shrinking or stable proportion says it should be the responsibility of audit, risk or some other subgroup. North American and UK firms were attacked far more than those in other regions. More North American firms characterised the damage from their attacks as serious and more expected another attack in the near future. And far more North American firms also expressed confidence in their capabilities to repair the damage and proceed with business as usual.</p>

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                            <p class="heading-4">It&#x2019;s helpful for the CISO to work with a smaller group that becomes more deeply informed.&#x201D;</p>
                            <cite class="font-mono-small font-weight-semibold">Kevin Tran<br>Global Resource Manager</cite>
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                            <h2 class="featured-callout__title">Featured Callout Module</h2>
                            <p class="heading-5 featured-callout__date">October 18, 2021 | New York, NY</p>
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                                            Manuel Montecelos
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                                    <div class="font-p-small">Senior Director, Executive Compensation Practice Leader, Western Europe</div>
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                                            Piia Pilv

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