Design Modules

This documents Marketo modules. Designs for other email clients must leverage this design system as best possible.

This documentation is specific to Marketo email marketing modules. Other email marketing systems must leverage this design system and apply it as best possible.

Remember to review the Email Digital Design System guidelines before proceeding with module guidelines.

Use the table of contents below to quickly jump to a specific module.

Table of Contents

Global Variables

  • Link color
  • Background color


Content Modules


Other elements (non-modules) or instructions

View Online

Mandatory Component

This module always displays at the top of an email, above the logo component. It allows someone to view the email in a browser vs. viewing it in their email client.


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alt text

  • There must always be a 2px #d8d8d8 solid divider line at the bottom of the component, between this component and the standard header (with logo).
  • Font usage is based on culture font requirements. Default is Neue Haas Grotesk Bold.
  • Link must display in #7f35b2 color
  • 10px of clear space padding must be above and below the link
  • Do not change the background color of this module.

Usage notes

  • This is controlled using a Marketo snippet, which means that it is controlled by the corporate digital marketing team.

Marketo module configuration

The only configurable option within this module is selecting the correct snippet for the region/location of the email.

Click the settings gear on the module:

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Select the proper snippet for your email:

alt text

Header – WTW Standard

Mandatory Component - or use co-branded option


The header is where we establish branding for the email. It can be a master brand logo or an approved sub-brand logo – contact Katie Cisto, Steve Bottjer, and Molly Fisher for sub-brand logo questions or requests.


The standard header is a WTW master brand logo. The logo is centered horizontally. We use 30px of padding on the top and bottom for the standard WTW logo.

alt text

We can also replace the main logo with a sub-brand or alternate master brand logo.

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  • Logo must be optimized for e-mail display
  • Logo max width – 500px
  • Logo max height – 100px

Usage notes

  • This is controlled via a Marketo snippet by the corporate digital marketing team.
  • Subbrand logos must be approved for use by the global brand team.

Marketo configuration

Click the gear to change the snippet.

alt text

Select your correct snippet based on your email needs.

alt text

Video: Replacing the default WTW logo with an approved subbrand logo

Header Co-branded


This header provides the option to combine a WTW logo with a co-brand logo.


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alt text


Co-branded logo should be an absolute maximum of 300px height and a suggested maximum width of 65px. The reason we have not established a definitive height is that some logos require a bit more height (e.g. square ones). As this is being set up, keep in mind that the logos should be around the same visual “weight” – meaning one does not dominate the other in size or shape – and is absolutely smaller than 300px wide.

This does not mean that your logo needs to be sized to 300×65. This means that your logo should fit within those dimensions.

For example, the following logo dimensions would be usable:


And the following logo dimension would not be usable:

× 300×150: this is because the visual weight of the co-branded logo is huge in comparison to the WTW logo, and it does not look balanced. × 600×100: this is because the width exceeds the absolute maximum and this does not look good.

alt text

Usage notes

  • The left side of the co-branded module – the WTW logo – is controlled in a Marketo snippet. It can be swapped with another element of the WTW Master or sub-brands that are snippets. That element must be approved by the global brand team and must already be in the Logo library.

  • Always receive permission to use the logo of the company, vendor, etc whose identity you are placing in the right side of the module. Never use an image asset without consent and permission from the appropriate parties.

Marketo module configuration

Add the module to your canvas, and double-click the co-branded image slot. Select your logo within the Design Studio, and swap the image appropriately.

Video: Updating the co-branded logo


This is a dominant, bold module that leverages a background image, typography, and a call-to-action button to present content. It is recommended not to use more than one of these per email.


Using a brand photography image:

alt text

Using a pattern background image:

alt text


  • BG Image – mandatory – must be 16:10 ratio. (See Email Digital Design System > Imagery) Options include:
    • Brand photography: choose from the Image Library: Images > Brand Photography
    • Bespoke illustration: this must be brand-approved and follow all guidelines. Examples include a featured podcast branded illustration, a COVID-19 topic featured image, or a Software Product Banner.
    • Generic background color: choose from the pre-approved Marketo Image Library: Images > Backgrounds and Patterns
  • Heading text – mandatory –
    • Color: #000000
    • Font-size:
    • Font-family & weight: Neue Haas Grostesk Bold 75 or (or location-specific font)
    • Do not display as Fira Mono.
    • Use reasonable character length (60 characters or less), or select a different module to accommodate your content. Should not be a sentence. Can be the title of an article.
  • Description text – optional – Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55 (or location-specific font)
  • Button – optional –
    • If using, must contain call to action text and a URL.
    • If using a button, do not use “click here” terminology.

alt text

Usage notes

  • The mandatory elements are a headline, background image, and a call-to-action button.
  • Headline – font can be customized per local language requirements; always displays as black
  • Paragraph text – optional; however, if you don’t have paragraph text, consider using the Half-Card Featured Content module and using the allotted text space for your headline.
  • Call-to-action button – ensure you keep the space and the right-facing arrow > for calls to action. Do not remove the >
  • Ensure that padding is updated given content that is added to match the specs provided above.
  • If your text / button elements are less than 500px tall plus the relative padding, your image will be cropped from the bottom (not skewed/squished). If your image is missing key visual components because you have less text, either add more text or use a designer to create a different image.

Marketo module configuration

alt text

Update the items above using the elements in Marketo. View video below for live example.

The other variables within this module are for design configuration and should not be changed.

If you would like to remove an element – e.g. the Description Text – replace with a Blank Snippet as per the linked instructions.

Video: How to use and modify a Full Card – Featured Content Module

Video: Full Card – Featured Content Module – replacing with a Blank Snippet

Three-Column Text + Image


This is a three-column layout suitable for icons to entice interest and intrigue. This is not intended for featured intellectual capital.


Example, single three-column w/ icons from the WTW Web Icon Library icons:

alt text

Example, multiple three-column modules in a row, to create a series of 5 icons. (Note that the second module had the Heading Text replaced with a Blank Snippet, and the top padding was removed from the second module as well).

alt text


Marketo module beginning layout:

alt text

Detailed visual specs:

alt text

Variations of usage for text (note the opportunity to use the Fira Mono font to format eyebrow text) – do not mix and match.

alt text

Elements: - Heading text – optional – - Color: #000000 - Font- family and weight: Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 (or location-specific font) - Image – mandatory – must be on-brand and 1:1 icon (not photography) - Description Text – optional, default is Fira Mono (simulating an Eyebrow Tag) - CTA – optional, but should likely be present if description text is not used

Usage notes

  • Use only square 1:1 ratio, 105×105 px icons. Do not use brand photography.

  • Do not implement different text styles in the modules. Be consistent. If you are using the eyebrow text and CTA link, use that treatment for all three icons. No mixing of formats.

  • Icons must be 1:1 ratio and created at 105px x 105px

  • This is useful for featuring 3-across, but can be combined with additional, identical modules to display 5, 6, etc. Do not use this for only two items. (e.g. if you need to display 2 items, and not three, consider using two of the Icon + Text (small) modules).

  • You could consider using this to feature speakers or bios instead of the Featured Callout + Text module. In this case, photography (JPG) is allowed for the person’s headshot, but must be kept to a 1:1 ratio and 105×105 px.

Marketo module configuration

alt text

  • Update the heading text by double-clicking the element, or remove it entirely by replacing with a blank snippet
  • There should be no need to update any other variables unless you are stacking multiple of these modules, in which case you can remove the top spacing from the second module in order to keep proper overall spacing between elements.
  • Use proper link formatting to ensure that the content renders properly if using a link

Video: Updating the Three Column Text + Image module in Marketo


Similar to the Full-Width Featured Content Module, this module boldly and prominently features content.


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  • BG Image – mandatory – must be 16:10 ratio. Options include:
    • Brand photography: choose from the Image Library: Images > Brand Photography
    • Bespoke illustration: this must be brand-approved and follow all guidelines. Examples include a featured podcast branded illustration, a COVID-19 topic featured image, or a Software Product Banner.
    • Generic background color: choose from the pre-approved Marketo Image Library: Images > Backgrounds and Patterns
  • Eyebrow tag – optional – must describe the content. Examples include “Featured product” “Research” “Software” – generally it is a noun. This must not be a link. The default typography is Fira Mono for modern browsers except in cases where locations require an alternate font.
  • Heading text – mandatory – display with Neue Haas Grostesk Bold or location-approved alternate font. Must not display as Fira Mono. Use reasonable character length (60 characters or less), or select a different module to accommodate your content.
  • Description text – optional – paragraph text that should display as Neue Haas Grotesk Roman or location-specific equivalent.
  • Button – optional –
    • If using, must contain call to action text and a URL.
    • If using, do not use “click here” terminology.

Usage notes

  • It is not recommended not to use more than one of these per email.
  • Use this variation when there is a key element (e.g. a branding element) on the right side of an image that you’d like to feature; example would be an expressive software icon

Marketo module configuration

Below are the elements (including local variables (LV) that you will need to configure if using the half-card.

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Note: due to a Marketo visual editor flaw, the half-card will not look like a half-card in the modules panel of the email editor. If you toggle to preview, it will render properly, and the email will send properly as well. alt text

Video: Updating the Half-Card module in Marketo


This module offers a great way to offer secondary (but important) content to your users. Often, this module can be located underneath a Full Card – Featured Content module, representing a secondary and tertiary content suggestion. It features two side-by-side content displays with an image, title, description text, and call-to-action text.


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  • Image – mandatory – are always 16:10 ratio (800×500 pixels); must be on-brand
  • Titles – mandatory – are:
    • #000000 color
    • Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 (or location-specific equivalent)
    • 25px line height
    • 10px bottom spacing (between heading and either description text or link underneath it)
  • Description text is:
    • #2a2a2a color
    • Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55 (or location-specific equivalent)
    • 26px line height
    • 10px bottom spacing (between heading and either description text or link underneath it)
  • Left Link / Right link – mandatory – is a hyperlink that is:
    • #7f35b2 color
    • Bold / Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75
    • Includes the space + chevron after the CTA text

Usage notes

It is permissible to use this module to group multiple pieces of content in a similar fashion, but they must be even (2, 4, 6…). If you have an odd number of items to be featured, take one of those articles and display it in a Full Card – Featured Content module or another similar module. Or, consider using the display of alternating articles found in the Two-Column Image Left/Text Right options.

  • Do not use this module alone with only one element; it will break the display in multiple views, especially mobile. alt text

  • Never use the term “click here” in a call-to-action link.

Marketo module configuration

All of the information below must be completed if using the default module. Description text is optional. alt text

Do not update the local variables of this module unless you are toggling the top or bottom spacing to adhere to spacing guidelines.

Video: Using the Two-Column Image + Text Module

Icon/Image + Text (Small)


This is a versatile module to help feature smaller visual assets in conjunction with text or call to actions. It can include report cover thumbnails, generic icons, software product icons.

This could be used, additionally, as a module to feature descriptions without linking to content. For that reason, the link is optional.


Example using a report cover: alt text

Example using an icon: alt text


alt text

  • Image – mandatory – 1:1 ratio, PNG (if icon/logo), JPG (if report cover), no photography
  • Title – mandatory – is:
    • #000000 color
    • Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 (or location-specific font)
  • Description text – optional – is:
    • #2a2a2a color
    • Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55 (or location-specific font)
  • Link – optional – is:
    • #7f35b2 color
    • Bold / Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 (or location-specific font)
    • Always includes a space followed by the > character

Usage notes

  • Do not use photography; this module is for icons or report covers only

  • Call to action link must always end with a space followed by the > character.

  • Spacing:

    - When placing multiple of these modules together, please ensure that the *top* module has 40px of padding.
    - There should be 30px of padding in between additional elements of this module.
    - There should be 40px total after the last module, in between the last module and the next module that you choose to use.

    alt text

Marketo module configuration

alt text

The following variables are mandatory to update: - Image - Heading Text

The following modules are optional, but strongly recommended:

- Description Text
- Link

You should not need to update any of the local variables for this module.

Video: Using Icon + Text (Small) for Featured Reports

Video: Using Icon + Text (Small) for Software product icons



Sometimes, you’ll need the ability to feature a simple image. This might be a teaser infographic, or something that does not fit into our other modules. This should be rarely used.


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alt text

By default, a 16:10 ratio image is suggested. This is because all pre-existing brand photography is sized to 16:10 ratio at 800×500 pixels. However, in this module, you have flexibility and you can place any image, as long as the following rules are adhered to:

  • Branding

    • Image must be on-brand and follow photography, infographic, or illustration guidelines
  • Sizing

    • Must be sized to 800px wide
    • Height is variable
  • File type

    • Photography must be JPG
    • Illustrated/infographic-type graphics must be PNGs

Usage notes

This module will not be used as often as the other modules, as the other modules offer a more modern, better use of visual space within emails. Use this module when you need all of your image to display. An example would be part of an infographic teaser, or something that must be visually communicated and cannot be achieved with other modules.

If your image is by default smaller than 800px, e.g. it is meant to render at a max of 500px, the asset uploaded must be centered on a 800px wide canvas, as seen below:

alt text

Marketo module configuration

alt text

Double click the image and modify the file path. Never link to images that are not located within the Marketo image file folder system. (e.g. do not link to external files, even though that is an option in the Marketo dialogue).

Call-to-Action Button


The call-to-action button module allows for individual call to action buttons to be added to an email. This module is useful when constructing a simple email with text module, or if you need flexibility from the existing modules in order to make a button more prominent.

An example might be a call-to-action after some text to take a survey.


There are three ways to display the Call-to-Action Buttons. They can be simple buttons (either primary or secondary are the module options in Marketo).

alt text

You can also turn the Primary Button into a full-width violet banner CTA to be similar to the Call-to-Action Module found on

alt text


There are two available styles – the primary and secondary styles. No other configurations should ever be used.

  • Do not add other background colors to the buttons
  • Font-family is customizable for location; never use Fira Mono for the CTA buttons

Usage notes

Below is an example of using this module to break up text-heavy content, especially when an email is relatively simple in nature, and does not have additional media items to feature.

The example also demonstrates the secondary button style that is available.

alt text

Marketo module configuration

You must always update your call to action text and add a working URL to each button.

Standard button

In order to configure the standard button, you must change the variables outlined in green below.

  • Button – Call to Action
  • Button – URL

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Yellow simply highlights the default colors in this module.

Secondary Button

To use the secondary call-to-action style, modify the variables as noted below. Observe the following visual design changes:

  • Button border changes to #7f35b2
  • Button background changes to #ffffff
  • Button text color changes to #7f35b2

alt text

Using a flood of violet to match our call-to-action modules

To use the flood of violet full-width call-to-action style, modify the variables as noted below. Observe the following visual design changes:

  • BG Color: change to #7f35b2
  • Top spacing: change to 40
  • Bottom spacing: change to 40

Video: how to modify Call-to-action Button – Primary

How to modify Call-to-action Button – Secondary

Video: Applying proper spacing to buttons

Two-Column Cards w/ Icons


This module features two cards, side-by-side, and is used to feature products / services with icons in a bold manner with a splash of color in the background.

The default color for the background for featured products is the green dotted pattern as this matches the Products module on and keeps visual consistency.


Standard Treatment:

alt text

Standard treatment with multiple stacked modules to feature four products:

alt text

Alternate treatment using a solid WTW color background:

alt text


  • Image – mandatory – 1:1 ratio, 105×105 pixels, PNG for icons (no photography)
  • Eyebrow text – optional – displays generally in Fira Mono but can be changed if needed – should never be hyperlinked
  • CTA Link Text and URL

Usage notes

alt text

  • Do not mix and match color backgrounds in an adjacent fashion:
  • Do not leave extra space when stacking modules.
  • Do not use photography for the image. This is a space intended for icons.

Marketo module configuration

alt text

Always update the following variables:

alt text

  • Left Image
  • Left Text
  • CTA 1 Text – local variable
  • CTA 1 Link – local variable
  • Right Image
  • Right Text
  • CTA 2 Text – local variable
  • CTA 2 Link – local variable

If you are stacking multiple of these modules, remember to remove the top spacing of the second module so that there is not too much additional extra space:

alt text

Video: Using Two-Column Cards with Icons module

Two-Column Image + Text (Left/Right)


Instead of placing images and content side-by-side in a column format, you can opt to use a “stacking format” whereby images are placed in one column (left or right), and text is placed in the other column.

This is especially helpful if you have an odd-numbered collection of articles to feature, whereas if you have an even count of articles, it is recommended to use the Two-Column Featured Content.

There are two versions of this module:

  • Two-Column Image Left + Text Right
  • Two-Column Image Right + Text Left


Simple example using branded photography on the left, and detailed text on the right: alt text

Example with three featured pieces of content, using three separate modules, alternating the images left and right to provide visual interest and intrigue. (Image Left + Text Right, Text Left + Image Right, Image Left + Text Right) alt text

Example using two modules, with both images stacked on the left. (It is also okay to use two modules with the images stacked on the right, if needed). alt text

Example using the Master Code in a branded email, for example, a press release or a simple announcement. Learn more about how to use the Master Code on the Marketo Email Assets page. alt text


  • Image must be 300px wide, and 16:10 ratio
  • Link must be violet (#7f35b2) and bold/underlined
  • Text elements are not all mandatory; at least one element must be used, but the others can be removed with Blank Snippet if needed.

Usage notes

These modules are helpful when you have three pieces of featured content. It also helps create visual intrigue by updating the location of images and text.

Marketo module configuration

Review the videos below for instructions on using this module in Marketo.

Video: Using the Text Left, Image Right Module

Video: Using multiple modules in a row and removing extra horizontal space


The Featured Callout and text module matches a similar style for our Featured Callout in the overall digital design system.

A bold, WTW green rectangle outlines the most important content that is featured, usually related to an event or a survey.

Supporting text on the right/left (depending on the module selected) is available in the form of a rich text content editor and/or pre-defined “Speaker” sections.


Featured Callout + Text: alt text

Featured Callout + Text Alt: (the only difference is that the green featured box is on right side instead of left side) alt text

Example with minimum text used to balance the columns: alt text

Example of using text to balance out content when you have more/less in one column: alt text


No content for this section

Usage notes

  • Call-to-action button text always requires a space followed by the > chevron
  • Follow overall WTW speaker headshot guidelines (must be provided 1:1 ratio, as JPG for photography of authors/speakers)
  • Never change the color of the green outline box
  • In rare cases, if you need to use two of these in an email, use both modules (regular and the alt version) in order to avoid overloading one column with the green color.
  • Never use the green box by itself with nothing to the left/right of it

Marketo module configuration

Below we document the standard Featured Callout + Text. The alt version simply swaps the left and right columns; all variables are the same, and “Left text” and “Right text” still describes the text placement.

alt text

The below variables should be modified or updated each time you use this module:

  • Eyebrow tag – optional; hide with blank snippet if you do not want to use it
  • Heading text – mandatory
  • Details – mandatory unless the heading exceeds 70 characters. Details should not exceed 100 characters, assuming the headline is < 40 characters. All text total in the module should not exceed
  • Button CTA and Button URL – mandatory, ensure inclusion of > chevron in CTA
  • Speaker elements – optional; hide with blank snippet if you do not want to use it.
    • Recommended to use the eyebrow text to describe the “Speaker” or participants – text is flexible based on description
    • Image is highly suggested – you may choose not to include one, but it will maintain the blank space and create potential for visual disunity.
    • Speaker name is required if you are using the speaker element
    • No space for bios in e-mail; instead, hyperlink name to Linked In bio
  • Left text and Right text – always optional out of context, but should be used to provide better balance for this module, for example, if there are no speakers mentioned. This is a good place to describe an event or provide detail that cannot be fit into the green callout box.
  • Video: Using the Featured Callout + Text module in Marketo

Horizontal Divider Line


A divider line is a subtle way to provide delineation to content, and helps “segment” content in a way that improves legibility.


alt text


Divider lines have the following properties:

  • 2px tall
  • #d8d8d8 in color (no other colors allowed)
  • Generally have 40px spacing on top and 40px spacing on bottom when used (see below)
  • Span the full-width of the main content column (640px) – not the full width of the entire email.

See in the below example, where a divider line is used to segment content in a neat, clean way, with adequate spacing above and below the horizontal divider line. alt text

Usage notes

Do not use a horizontal line to divide any modules that have a solid, full-width background image. Instead, use a spacer to achieve good distance between modules with full-width background images. alt text

Do not modify the width of divider lines so that they are inside or outside of the content blocks. Ensure that the left part of the line aligns with the left modules above and below, and ensure that the right part of the line aligns with the right modules above and below. If using Marketo, the line is pre-set at “80” and this is the correct configuration. Even if the preview mode looks different, the line is configured properly. alt text

Marketo module configuration

Below are the default values for the Horizontal Divider Line module.

You may modify these variables if needed, to achieve proper spacing between the divider line and other content. Remember to adhere to spacing guidelines.

  • Top Spacing
  • Bottom Spacing

You may not modify these variables:

  • Divider Width
  • Spacer BG Color
  • Spacer Height
  • BG Color

alt text



A spacer is the vertical, negative space (“white space”) between modules or elements. It is useful to provide distinction between elements and to allow breathing room. It is configurable to any space amount in pixels, but should follow specifications stated below.

Spacing vs spacer

Spacing refers to the cumulative amount of space between modules to create the proper space. A spacer is the element you can use to easily add the appropriate amount of space without diving into the variables of each element. Spacers are also helpful to use above and below horizontal divider lines to configure the appropriate amount of space.


alt text


These specifications are a cumulative amount of spacing. This does not mean that a spacer gets added between each module. This means that you must ensure that the cumulative space between elements is a certain height.

Generally, display 40px of white space total between major elements. alt text

Display 20px or 30px of spacing between elements of similar categorization. alt text

Only use spacers the following increments, assuming the top and bottom value of modules/elements it is being placed in between is zero:

  • 10px
  • 15px
  • 20px
  • 30px
  • 40px

In the example below, note the build of a series of components. Yellow denotes Marketo modules, blue denotes spacer distance, and magenta denotes space incorporated within a module. On the left, the design. On the right, the design as constructed with Marketo modules and spaces.

alt text

Usage notes

Potential uses:

  • Simple way to divide content, especially between two Horizontal Divider Lines
  • Easy click and drag spacer without toggling variables in each Marketo module

Marketo module configuration

Add a spacer to the canvas. Update the Spacer Height variable per spacing needed. alt text



Headings are bold introductory statements inviting users into the content.

They can be versions of a headline from a piece of featured content, an announcement, etc.


alt text

alt text


Headings are:

  • 30px
  • Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 (or other bold, location-specific font)
  • #000000 (pure black) – never use other colors within the WTW palette for headline colors
  • Not hyperlinked. Use the call-to-action button module for navigation to content from an email.

Usage notes

  • There can be multiple headlines in an email, given that headlines introduce main pieces of content. For example, a newsletter email could have multiple headlines introducing different articles: alt text

Marketo module configuration


Text – Subheading


Subheadings can provide more context for headings. They are not required.


alt text

alt text


Subheadings are:

  • 20px
  • Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 (or bolded, location-specific font replacement)
  • #000000 (pure black) – do not change the color to any other color, even if that color is found within the WTW palette

Usage notes

It’s not mandatory to have a subheading.

Marketo module configuration


Paragraph (Rich Text)


Paragraph text is body text.


alt text

In context, it would typically be combined with a heading, possible subheading, and possible call-to-action button.

alt text


Paragraph text:

  • 16px – for legibility
  • Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55 (except for locations which require alternate font display)
  • #2a2a2a – for regular text. Never use other colors for paragraph text, even if they are within the WTW color scheme.
  • May contain in-body links, which must be bold and #7f35b2 (WTW Violet)

Usage notes

Never change paragraph text color unless you are adding a hyperlink. Remember to update the link color and weight (to bold) if you are adding a link.

Marketo module configuration



Bullet points help improve scannability and legibility of content and provide visual focus.

There are three types of bullets available:

  • Bullet – Unordered
  • Bullet – Unordered – Indented
  • Bullet – Ordered (Styled)


Below, an example of Bullet – Unordered followed by Bullet – Unordered – Indented followed by Bullet – Ordered (Styled): alt text

Below, an example of Unordered bullets in context: alt text


The unordered bullet point is a WTW green square that mirrors the style of bullet points of the overall WTW digital design system. Since bullet points are notoriously inconsistent and difficult in e-mail clients (Outlook, Gmail, etc), the bullet is actually formed by an image. This is why each bullet is an individual module and must be pulled in separately.

The ordered (styled) bullet also matches the style of the overall WTW digital design system. The WTW Dark Green is used due to its accessibility compliance. (The standard WTW green does not comply with accessibility standards, per our Color guidance).

Usage notes

  • Do not change the color of bullet points in unordered lists.
  • Do not change the color of the number in ordered lists.

Marketo module configuration

Video: Updating the Bullets in Marketo


This module is designed specifically to feature a report cover or some dominant image on the left, followed by an introduction and more text on the right.


alt text


  • Image – mandatory – is:

    • 300px wide, height variable. PNG/JPG required
    • No specific ratio: should be based on scaling a given report cover down so that its width is 300px and its height scales with it.
  • Button – mandatory – is:

    • Depending on the color of the image above, the button can be configured. The default view is the secondary button design due to the likelihood of report color contrasts. If you’d like to update the button to be the primary style, use the instructions found within the Call-to-Action Button section.
  • Heading Text – optional – is:

    • #000000 color
    • Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75
    • Never a link; always plain text
    • If you do not use Heading Text here, you should use a Heading module above this module to introduce the report/content
  • Description Text – mandatory – is:

    • #2a2a2a color
    • 16px
    • Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55
    • Links can be included; remember to style links with proper color and style attributes

Usage notes

- The best use of this module is to feature a report cover.
- There are no alternate configurations of this module where the report cover is on the right.
- Always remember, if you are adding inline links, you must ensure link color/style consistency.

Marketo module configuration

alt text

The following elements must be updated to use this module:

  • Image
  • Heading Text
  • Description Text
  • Button – Call-to-Action Text
  • Button – URL

Video: Using the Two-Column Featured Content and CTA Button

There is not one specific footer module; many modules comprise a proper email footer.

The footer modules are pre-configured and will need very little (if any) customization. Mostly, a person sending an email needs to ensure that they are using the correct snippets, have ordered items correctly, and are following each footer module’s specifications.

Maximum footer modules, in order (Marketo modules): alt text

General footer spacing and specifications: alt text

Mandatory Component


This is always included in the footer.


alt text

Below, in order: alt text


This component is managed by the corporate digital marketing team.

  • Must always have a 2px solid #d8d8d8 border. Do not change the color or thickness of the border.
  • Must always be a #f1f1f1 background. Do not change the background color.
  • Must always include the WTW logo.

Usage notes

  • Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet

Marketo module configuration

  • Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet

Possibly mandatory in your location – check with your country or regional Legal team for specific requirements


This is usually included, and always appears right after the logo, before the optional disclaimer/other footer modules.


alt text

Below, in order:

alt text


  • #2a2a2a color
  • Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55

Usage notes

  • Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet

Marketo module configuration

  • Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet

Possibly mandatory in your location – check with your country or regional Legal team for specific requirements


This is not always included, but if it is included, it must be located below the boilerplate and above the social icons.


alt text

Below, in order: alt text


  • If used, this must always go below the boilerplate and above the social media icons
  • #2a2a2a color
  • 14px Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55

Usage notes

  • This is rich text, so it’s fairly flexible.
  • Do not use this module for content; this is for footer-related information only.

Marketo module configuration

alt text

Campaign Opt-Out


This module is totally-optional and is the only module located in the footer section that can actually be moved to the main body of content.

This module is used in instances where you are running a campaign and need to provide the option for a user to easily opt-out of a campaign (instead of opting out of all emails).


alt text

Below, in order: alt text

Example, when used in the body of a footer: alt text

Example, when used in the footer of an e-mail:

alt text


  • This module may be placed outside of the footer
  • Background color must be white if using within the body of the email
  • Background color must be the default #f1f1f1 if using in the footer of the email
  • Maintain proper spacing above and below the content at all times (independent of its location in the email)

Usage notes

  • This is a rich text module
  • Change the variables as needed but remember the proper styling
  • Link – must be Neue Haas Grotesk Bold 75 and #7f35b2, underlined, with a space + > chevron treatment
  • Text – must be Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55 and #2a2a2a

Marketo module configuration

alt text

Update the text as needed for your campaign.

Important, if using the module in the middle of your e-mail body (instead of in the footer):

Update the background color so that it matches the #FFFFFF white of the rest of the email body:

alt text

Recommended Component


The social icons were designed to be optimized for touch devices (tablet and mobile) and encourage users to interact with us on social media.


alt text

Below, in order:

alt text

Alternate version using Xing (another social network):

alt text


Icons must be created by the corporate digital marketing team and always use #7f35b2 as a background with a white social logo.

Usage notes

Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet.

Marketo module configuration

Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet

Mandatory Component


This module provides the company address, which varies by location.


alt text

Below, in order:

alt text


  • 12px Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55

Usage notes

Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet.

Marketo module configuration

Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet.

Mandatory Component


This module provides copyright information.


alt text

Below, in order:

alt text


  • 12px Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55
  • 40px bottom spacing (padding)

Usage notes

Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet.

Marketo module configuration

Managed by the corporate digital marketing team via a Marketo Snippet.


A simple divider line to break up content within the footer.


alt text

Below, in order:

alt text


  • 2px solid #d8d8d8
  • #f1f1f1 background for full-width coverage
  • Used in the following places, always:
    • Below Footer – Social Links
    • Below campaign opt-out (if used)
    • Below Footer Links

Usage notes

  • Use where directed in the specifications above.
  • Do not add additional divider lines.
  • Do not change the color of divider lines.
  • Do not increase the height of divider lines.

Marketo module configuration

No configuration needed; just ensure it is placed in its proper locations.

All links must be styled as bold, underlined, and violet (#7f35b2). Always update your links in the rich text editor with proper styling.

Links in the body

If you have a paragraph with a link in the body of the paragraph, you must simply highlight your hyperlink, ensure that the link is bold, update the color to violet (#7f35b2). It should underline automatically.

Links in existing modules

It is best to modify the link by opening the editor and updating only the text value inside the tag. Otherwise, the proper link styling will be skewed. In the Marketo email editor, it will look blue, but the emails sent will have the correct styling and specific style variables below:

alt text

Call to action links

If you are placing a standalone link in HTML, and it is a call-to-action (vs an in-body link, which is part of a paragraph), or a list of links, you will need to ensure proper styling of the CTA links for consistency.

  1. Add the chevron – The easiest way to ensure consistency is to open the HTML view of the rich text editor and right after your link, inside the () tag, type in (>) which is the HTML code for >. Placing the > within the tag means it will properly style the link violet. If you are not working within a rich text editor, and you are modifying a variable, simply type > and this will render properly.

  2. Bold the link – all links should be bolded. Because this is being added in a rich text editor with the non-bold text, you will need to specifically bold this text within the editor.

  3. Update the color – the link should display as WTW Violet (#7f35b2). Links should never display as blue.

Table Styling in Marketo Email Editor

Tables are rarely used in e-mails but may, in some cases, be used.

Given the complexity of tables in e-mail, we discourage use of your typical data-intensive table. Instead, send your users to a web page with the table.

Blank Snippet

Occasionally, you will need to remove an optional element from a module. For example, you might not want to include description text in a module.

In order to do this, you need to replace the element with a Blank Snippet.

If, for example, you do not want to use an element of the half-card, such as the Eyebrow Tag, you would Replace with Snippet and select “-Blank-Snippet”. alt text

In the below example, the Eyebrow Tag and the Description Text have been replaced with a blank snippet. On the left, what you will see in the Marketo editor. On the right, what you will see rendering in an actual email. alt text

This is helpful when headlines are longer or optional elements need to be removed.

Updating the Font Family

There are a few reasons that you may need to update the font variables in Marketo:

  1. Changing the font variables for location-specific fonts

  2. Changing the font variables from Fira Mono to Neue Haas Grotesk Roman or Bold

Changing the font variables for location-specific fonts

When working with a local language, you may need to replace the Neue Haas Grotesk font with an appropriate, e-mail client-friendly font family.

All fonts are managed by the corporate digital marketing team in Marketo; reach out to Steve Bottjer and Katie Cisto if you have a request for a font for your locality.

Location Font Family Name
China Microsoft YaHei
Taiwan Microsoft JhenHei
Korea Malgun Gothic
Japan Meiryo UI
Default, non-branded Arial

For example, when creating an email for Korea, the variables need to be configured in each module to ensure proper rendering.

alt text

Changing the font variables from Fira Mono to Neue Haas Grotesk

You may also find the need to replace Fira Mono with Neue Haas Grotesk (this depends on the content you are using). This can be configured in the local variables section.

You will need to select whether you need Neue Haas Grotesk Roman or Bold. This depends on the content: if you are swapping out Fira Mono because you want that area to format like a title, you must use Neue Haas Grotesk Bold. If you are swapping out Fira Mono because you are replacing it with descriptor text, you should use Neue Haas Grotesk Roman.

It can be slightly difficult to see the full name of the variables in the dropdown. Below, note that the first ‘Neue Haas G… is always Neue Haas Grotesk Roman 55, and the second is always Neue Haas Grotesk 75 Bold

alt text

Video: Updating the local variable to replace Fira Mono

Global Variables

You will note that each Marketo e-mail template has “Global Variables.” There are two values under these Global Variables. Do not modify them.

  • Link color – must always be #7f35b2

  • Background color – must always be #fff (white). Do not change to gray or another color.

“Removing” an image from a module

Sometimes, you may not have or want an image to show in a module.

For example, you might want to place text in “two columns” side-by-side, using the Two-Column Image + Text module. (In that section of the documentation, there is a video showing how to replace the image.)

alt text

In some modules, you can replace the image variable with a placeholder PNG. Simply replace the default module image path with the path below:

Adding background images in modules

Background images in emails are a more “sophisticated” approach in the email world. You’ll find that many of the modern email clients (Apple, Gmail, etc) support background images flawlessly. However, Microsoft Outlook is notoriously unfriendly with background images.

In order to achieve the sophistication we are looking for with background images in Outlook, we needed to use a Microsoft-proprietary language called VML (Vector Markup Language). The details below pertain only to Microsoft Outlook, as every other client is “smart” and knows how to handle background images.

For the most part, you can/should continue to use background images as usual. The amount of text displayed on top of the image dictates the needed height for an image. Generally speaking, you should never exceed 500px height in your background cards (whether using half- or full- cards).

When your text amount is smaller, and the image needs to display at less than 500px high, the following visual helps explain what happens. The image displays at the correct proportions, and the “extra” part of the image is “hidden” by the smart email clients. You can (optionally) configure the Outlook height to ensure a successful user experience without too much “extra image”. There are videos below explaining how to go about this process.

alt text

visual of background image display with VML tile

The modules are set up for VML “tile” which means that if the content height exceeds 500px, the image will repeat itself. This is not a “bug” – this is a good indicator that you need to have a designer create a custom image size, decrease the amount of text you’re using, or use a different module entirely.

Email Background Images – How to modify Outlook Height

Email Background Images – Modifying Half Card Height with Smaller Images

This may be used when using the full or half card modules to simulate a banner (e.g. for a newsletter) which needs to be shorter than 500px.

Email Background Images – How to modify the Outlook height for images taller than 500px

This will rarely be used, and in fact will require a properly-sized image from a designer.

Pro tip: Use Chrome Inspector to easily determine Outlook background image height

If you’re wondering how to figure out exactly how tall your Outlook image height should be (especially if it needs to be shorter than the default 500px), you’ll find the next video helpful!