Marketo Forms

Marketo forms allows you to create and build forms that can be placed into Sitecore pages using a JS based embed code.

Key specs

  • Must include a form title above the form.
  • Form fields must include hint/placeholder text.
  • Form can be placed in main and right columns.
  • Requires Marketo login; discuss with your digital team representative.

Marketo Forms for Sitecore

A sample embed form from Marketo displaying on will look like this:

Marketo form embed on sitecore


Steps to add a Marketo form to a sitecore page:

  • Select a Marketo form in Design Studio. Click on the “Form Actions” dropdown and select “Embed Code“.

    screenshot of copying Marketo form embed

  • Copy and paste the highlighted embed code below into the Code Snippet Component in Sitecore.

    screenshot of copying Marketo form embed

  • Final code example:

    screenshot of final Marketo embed code

      <span class="heading-4">Embed Form Title</span>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <form id="mktoForm_5569"></form>
      <script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "742-LZY-231", 5569);</script>
  • Save the page and verify that the form is rendering correctly on the staging site.

Thank You/Confirmation Pages:


Confirmation and thank you pages for Sitecore Marketo forms should use the approved banner image below.

Violet w/ Diagonal Stripes

Violet w/ Diagonal Stripes: